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7 Lucky Ways Celebrities Make Money


Familiar faces flash on the screen. Your TV, laptop, tablet and smartphone have loads of images, videos, and data on them. You probably follow your favorite celebrities on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, MySpace and Instagram.

Once you’re famous, you’re always famous for somebody. Forget what Shia Labeouf said. There’s no escaping the spotlight after crossing centerstage.

Social media and reality TV have allowed us an inside look into Pop Culture. Celebrities are born on YouTube. You couldn’t pick a more perfect time than now to be famous.

Entertainers are living the good life. Justin Bieber, Miley Cyrus and Lindsay Lohan are Livin’ La Vida Loca. Click here to find out how to party like a rock star

The job of a celebrity is to simply celebrate. Celebrities make a fortune just by making an appearance. Paris Hilton is a prime example of a socialite who exploits her infamy.

There are several creative ways celebrities earn a living. I want to show you the microeconomics behind Hollywood. I am an accountant after all.

There is power in numbers. That’s why stars such as Shia Labeouf work hard to get attention. That’s also why fans are so important.

More fans = more money. Social media sites like Twitter give celebrities a platform to engage with followers. I recommend this story from Wet Paint. How Much Do Celebrities Get Paid To Tweet


Sending Tweets is one creative way celebrities make money. At an early age, I realized the power of words. This is why I blog. Twitter is simply a short form of writing. They call it “micro-blogging.”

Can you believe they founded the site 8 years ago? Today Twitter is worth multi-billions. It’s hard to believe, that in such a short span of time, the social media site could conquer the public.

I just recently joined Twitter; and, I already recognize its potential. Twitter allows you to build meaningful relationships. Visit Adage for more information. 

2. Photos

Why do you think Kim Kardashian keeps uploading pics of her derrière on Instagram? Answer: because her booty has a pricetag. Celebrities make mad money from photos. You can hear them laughing as they go to the bank.

Photos are a major part of social media. Facebook needs a plethora of images in order to exist. Don’t we love reading faces? Isn’t Facebook a book of faces?

When a celebrity is strapped for cash, all he has to do is snap a photo. Then, send it to TMZ. Now, wait for the check to arrive in the mail.

3. Videos

5. Parties

Photo By: Toglenn

Hollywood stars own the night. Can you picture receiving a paycheck for partying? In the words of the Jackson 5, it’s easy as A.B.C.!

Lindsay Lohan, Britney Spears, Fergie and Blake Lively have made money by making appearances at parties. The amount of money they make seems absurd. But, big businesses can afford to spend big money. 

Kim Kardashian made 500,000 dollars as an escort overseas. This has become the new normal. In the Reality TV world we live in, we expect extravagant expenses.

6. Reality TV