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Drawing, diving and third pregnancy: truth and rumors about Duchess Catherine

Drawing, diving and third pregnancy: truth and rumors about Duchess Catherine

The Chief Newsmaker of the week-Queen Elizabeth II, but also in the life of the Duchess of Cambridge there are many interesting things. news-4y studied the latest news and rumors about loud Kate Middleton.

Learning to draw: the truth

As reported by the British media, over the past summer, the Duchess has learned to do well to draw. Resting from secular receptions, Kate not only spent time with children and engaged in gardening, but also trained in the fine arts. The Duchess has created several pencil sketches of her children. Of course, at the National Gallery of portraits don't appear, but hobby great.

Going back to work: the truth

Despite the fact that Kate just recently became a mother for the second time, the Duchess is already preparing to return to his public duties, and attending various events. This insistence and Queen Elizabeth II, considering that four months is enough time to come to and relax. So much so that child care workers lack No.

Waiting for the third child: hearing

Small maternity leave after the birth of her daughter, many MEDIA OUTLETS perceived as purdah in order to conceal news of the third child. Prince William and Kate have never concealed that the dream of a big family, but official statements from spouses.

Engaged in diving: the truth

This summer Kate has become a qualified diver. A fan of sailing, tennis and hockey received an official certificate from the Professional Association. Now, if Katherine will need to hide from intrusive journalists, she easily could dive to a depth of 30 meters.

The perfect role model: the truth

A survey of almost 2,000 Brits revealed that 34 per cent of them believe it is Kate Middleton a perfect role model. Especially uk residents like Prince William's wife for a good example, she takes the young mothers.

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