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Metal Magazine & Smoda Party

Lately, I have been able to attend several presentations and parties that have been very cool (I still have to talk about some more, sorry! Please, don't think I'm always on parties!).

The day before Halloween, Laia and I had a busy afternoon. First, we went to Metal Magazine party together, in which they celebrated the release of their 30th issue, and
was held at the G-Star store in el Born.

Ultimamente he podido asistir a varias presentaciones y fiestas que no han tenido desperdicio alguno (todavía me queda hablar de algunas más, ¡los siento! No penséis que siempre estoy de fiesta!).

El día antes de Halloween, Laia y yo tuvimos una tarde ajetreada. Primero fuimos juntas a la fiesta de Metal Magazine, la cual celebraba el lanzamiento de su número 30, y que se celebró en la G-Star Store en el Born.

The truth is that we had to leave early, as we had another party at Fábrica Mortiz; the Fashion & Bloggers Date by Smoda event! We met there lovely Saray and I was so lucky I could meet Aminta, from Aminta Online; such a lovely girl <3

We didn't take so many photos at this event (we were too busy dancing with Saray to the music that Cup of couple were playing; some of them were SO funny); but I can show you a couple of pictures with my outfit (yes, my lipstick was green!) and some others from Laia's Instagram too... the one with the glasses are lovely, don't they remind you to the photos on my sidebar? :)

La verdad es que tuvimos que irnos temprano, ya que teníamos otra fiesta en la Fábrica Mortiz, el Fashion & Bloggers Date de Smoda. Allí nos reunimos con nuestra querida Saray, y fui afortunada al conocer a la genial Aminta, de Aminta Online; un encanto de chica. 

No hicimos muchas fotos de este evento (estábamos ocupadas bailando con Saray la música que Cup of Couple iban pinchado; algunos temas eran muy divertidos); pero os puedo enseñar algunas fotos de mi look (sí, mi pintalabios era verde!) y otras del instagram de Laia... me encanta el de las gafas, ¿no os recuerda al de mi sidebar?

 Dress - Banned vía Madame Chocolat
Tights - Madame Chocolat
Creepers - Offbrand

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