Gauahar Khan and Zaid Darbar’s wedding has been quite a fun affair for their social media followers to witness. The couple announced being in a relationship a while ago and Zaid Darbar had also hinted at tying the knot before the year ends while Gauahar Khan was in the Bigg Boss 14 house. As soon as the actress completed her bit on the show as a toofani senior, Zaid Darbar popped the big question and they are all set to live their happily ever after.
Dressed in a beige coloured lehenga by Chaitali Barbhaya, Gauahar Khan looked absolutely ethereal while Zaid Darbar looked dapper for the Walima function. Taking to their Instagram, Zaid and Gauahar shared goofy pictures where she’s picking him up bridal style and the fans can’t get enough of them. Take a look at the pictures from the function.
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