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Smitten Polish Christmas in Stars Hollow Collection

Today my post is a little late because I just got too stinking excited to show you guys these polishes because yes, they are inspired by THAT Stars Hollow! Yay for a Gilmore Girls inspired collection!!!

*Press Samples*

I am a huuuuuuuuuuge Gilmore Girls fan! My best friend and I have spent many a day in our pajamas just watching marathons of this show. Brings up so many memories of a time when I was younger and more carefree than I am today!

Credit: Google Image

So not only am I excited about the inspiration of this collection, I'm so excited because it's by Smitten Polish – one of my favorite brands. Ever since I saw the sneak peeks of this collection I've been itching to shout it from the rooftops: Gilmore Girls collection from Smitten Polish!!!!!

Ok, clearly you can tell I'm excited. Stay tuned to the end of this post too, for details of when to purchase (hint Friday preorder) and a code for a sale going on too! Now let's get the the amazing beautiful swatches now shall we?!




First up we have Buy Me a Boa and Drive Me to Reno which is a gorgeous cherry red microglitter. The base of this is jelly and squishy but still opaque in two coats with a wonderful formula. I got a violet pull from the holo microglitter, it's hard not to stare at your nails forever when wearing this polish! It is a microglitter, so I suggest a thicker top coat, or two coats of top coat. The title of this polish is inspired by the super hilarious Emily Gilmore, in response to her being compared to a prostitute after having two glasses of wine before lunch!





Next we have Big Head Want Dolly, a beautiful bubble gum holo with matching microglitter. This polish was another wonderful two coater (great formula, like buttah) and it's brightness will make any heart soar on dreary color-less winter days. The name here heralds from Lorelai burning all her childhood photos because of her "unusually" large head. If pink is your schtick, this is a must-have!





Next we have I Smell Snow, a nod to Lorelai's sense of the first snow of each winter! I don't get snow where I live in California, but I do know snow is magical. I grew up going on skiing trips every year and snow was my total la-la land. I would just go down all the bunny slopes and sing to myself and be in my own little world. Trying to catch snowflakes on my tongue, eating snow when I fell down and was too tired to get back up and just listening to the sound of the cold air rush through the tall pine trees. Anyway, back to the polish. This is a lovely light icy-blue holo polish with holo microglitter and what looks like some brighter blue microglitter as well. This one is a tad sheerer than the rest, I have shown two coats here, but some might want three. Same great application though!





This is I Ate the Fuzzy Certs another fabulous name and great polish. This is a lovely white crelly with green holo hexes of various sizes and microglitter to boot. It sparkles and shines and totally reminds me of Certs. I love the reference to this one, when Lorelai and Rory are visiting Harvard and Lorelai finds old Certs in her purse, which she of course eats. Surprise, surprise they tasted like keys. Hahaha. This is a also a lovely two-coater formula and the white crelly base gives it a lovely depth which makes the holo sparkle from various levels!





Now for the polish that completely knocked my socks off!!! This is Monkey Monkey Underpants and it is a lovely taupe-ish nude with the most amazing orange shimmer and sparkle! When I saw this in the bottle, I thought, hmmmm maybe not with my skin tone but it instantly became a favorite of mine. And for this to be a favorite and no holo is a big deal! This was also a wonderful two coater, though the formula was a tad thicker, so be careful how much you load on your brush. This is a nod to the "wild jungle full of gibberish" in Lorelai's head when trying to write a character reference for Luke.

There is a polish in here for every type of person, the pink lover, the holo lover, the glitter lover and the shimmer lover! These are all amazing polishes and their inspirations make them even more lovable to me!

These babies are available for preorder (no worries about not being able to grab what you want) starting at 2 p.m. CT on Friday Nov. 27 (yes Black Friday) for 24 hours at the Smitten Polish webshop. Want to know MORE awesome news? Smitten Polish is having a 20 percent sale on all the other polishes in her shop (excluding this new collection) with the code THANKS2015 during the preorder for the winter collection. That includes her fall collection which I reviewed here.

So which Smitten Polishes are you hoping to pick up this holiday season?! My favorites here are totally Buy Me a Boa and Drive Me to Reno, I Smell Snow and Monkey Monkey Underpants! I've got some nail art to share with you with MMU coming up later this week!!!

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