I did not get all the colors in the display, but I had enough of them that I attracted the attention of another customer, whom I ended up having a very nice chat with once I realized she wasn't asking if I was going to buy all those because she wanted them for herself (I got the last one of some of the shades). Following my usual "more is better" philosophy, today I have swatches of all ten colors I bought. (At this point it seems like I shoudl just buy the other four, doesn't it?)
Let's start with the glitters, since those are the most eye catching. All of these have a clear base, and while they are fairly dense with glitter, I still had some visible nail line after three thin coats. I don't mind that because it means they should be great for layering. The three glitters are Golden Ticket, a coppery gold, Starry Starry Flight, a silver, and Downtown Rubies, a red.
The next group I have is the neutrals, which I at first thought were all cremes, but no, one has some shimmer to it. The lightest ones, Evening Fog and Wet Clay, took three coats while the others, Fedora (the shimmer) and Touch of Mink and Bittersweet, took only two.
Finally, we've come to the two dark and mysterious shimmers, the olive green Sequin Scandal and the plum Problem Child, both of which have mini-flakies in them. I used three coats of Sequin Scandal and two of Problem Child; I think I was just so fascinated by Sequin Scandal that I had trouble putting the brush down.
I'm quite happy with these. Undoubtedly some of them are dupes of other polishes but they went on so nicely I can't be cross with them. (I think I'm finally getting used to working that weird wide brush and stem.) I'm looking forward to playing more with the glitters and I will probably do some comparisons at some point because I really can't keep increasing my stash and de-duping is the least painful way to reduce it.
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